Unlocking the power of integrated campaign performance with Smart Engine

Here’s the thing about B2B marketing reporting, it’s a mess. You've got data flying in from every direction - ads, web analytics, CRMs, you name it. Trying to make sense of it all feels like trying to complete a puzzle with pieces from different boxes. That’s why Gilroy came up with Smart Engine, a tool that’s changing the game by pulling all those scattered bits into one clear picture.

Complicated landscape

B2B marketing isn’t like assembling a simple jigsaw puzzle; it’s more like orchestrating a symphony with a hundred moving parts, each one critical to the final performance. You've got to juggle a dozen things at once while keeping your eye on the end goal, revenue. But how do you prove that all your marketing efforts are actually making an impact? With data spread across different platforms, it’s a nightmare. Each platform is doing its own thing, reporting in its own way, and none of it adds up.

In a world where Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is the buzzword, you’ve got to know what’s really going on with your key accounts. But if your data’s all over the place, good luck with that.

Why you’re struggling

Picture this: You’ve just wrapped up a multi-channel marketing campaign. The numbers start pouring in, open rates from email, click-through rates from ads, engagement metrics from social media, intent signals on key accounts. But when you sit down to assess the impact, nothing adds up. It’s like trying to assemble a jigsaw puzzle where every piece is from a different picture. Here’s why:

  • Data overload: You’re pulling in numbers from a dozen different places, but none of them match up. Your CRM says one thing, your marketing automation tool says another. How are you supposed to make decisions when the basics aren’t even clear?
  • Inconsistent metrics: Everyone’s got their own way of measuring success. One platform counts a conversion this way, another does it that way. It’s like trying to read a book where each chapter’s written in a different language.
  • Trust issues: When your data doesn’t add up, you stop trusting it. And when you don’t trust your data, you start making decisions based on gut feelings instead of hard facts. Not a great way to run a business.
  • ABM headaches: You’re supposed to be all about ABM, but how do you know if your key accounts are really engaging with your marketing? If you’re just guessing, you’re missing the point.
  • ROI confusion: Everyone talks about ROI, but in B2B, it’s not always a straight line. You might not see the results from a campaign for months, even years. Measuring that impact accurately is tough, to say the least.

The solution, Smart Engine

So, what’s Gilroy’s answer to all this chaos? Smart Engine. It’s not just another tool; it’s a way to get your data in line so you can see what’s actually going on.

  • Data integration: Smart Engine pulls data from everywhere – your first-party data, third-party data, all of it – and makes it talk to each other. Finally, you get a clear, consistent view.
  • Standardisation: Forget about mixed-up metrics. Smart Engine sets the rules, so everyone’s playing the same game. That means you can finally trust the numbers.
  • Real-time analytics: No more waiting around for reports that are outdated the minute they hit your inbox. Smart Engine gives you the full picture, right when you need it.
  • Account-level insights: You’ll finally know what’s going on with your most important accounts. Who’s engaging? Who’s not? And what’s it all adding up to? With these insights, you can make smarter decisions about where to focus your efforts.

Where to focus

To make the most of Smart Engine, you’ve got to align your strategy with what really matters:

  • See the whole picture: It’s about getting a unified view of your key accounts, from the first touch to the final sale. That’s how you know what’s working and what’s not.
  • Align Sales and Marketing: When your data’s all in one place, it’s easier to see how marketing is driving sales – and vice versa. That alignment can make or break your ABM strategy.
  • Measure what matters: With Smart Engine, you can track ROI in a way that makes sense for B2B. You’ll know exactly how your campaigns are impacting deal size, sales cycles, and win rates.
  • Personalise like a pro: Use Smart Engine’s insights to refine your targeting and messaging. The more relevant you are, the better your results.
  • Engage smarter: Understand how your audience is interacting with your content, events, and digital channels. Then, use that knowledge to tweak and improve.
  • Accelerate pipeline: You need to know how your marketing is affecting sales pipeline. Smart Engine shows you, plain and simple.

The bottom line

Gilroy’s Smart Engine isn’t just another tool; it’s the missing piece in the B2B marketing puzzle. By bringing all your data together, it gives you a clear view of what’s really happening with your campaigns. That means you can finally make decisions that drive real business growth. Whether you’re doubling down on ABM, trying to get sales and marketing on the same page, or just looking for better insights, Smart Engine is the tool that’ll get you there.

If you're ready to see how Smart Engine can support your marketing reporting, connect with our Data experts for a demo.

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